The Build Zone workshop progresses, I continue to practice various techniques. S-claps, which I tend to be better at than wrapped loops, making jump rings, and using my mini torch for small amounts of soldering.
Yes, that is right- I faced my greatest fear- turning on and using my soldering torch. I have a Blazer Micro torch. Obviously, extreme caution is necessary when using the torch, and you can see that I have a ceramic tile underneath my soldering block. Pushing myself out of my comfort zone is definitely one way to grow creatively! Once I had it turned on and was using it, I found it was not any more scary than using an oven or gas burner on my stove.
I have been enjoying getting to know the other women enrolled in the workshop with me. We have a class discussion board where we can compare notes as we work through the various lessons. Things like being able to take jewelry lessons from Deryn Mentock, all the way in Texas, and getting to know women from all over the world is definitely one thing I love about the internet.